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Real connections that matter | Personal growth

Discovering the beauty of meaningful, real relationships and living in the moment

What does it say if you don't have that many friends? Not planning something with friends every Friday night? Does it define you? A lot of people judge, give you a label on who you are. Like you are a person, maybe a little strange, because everyone has (many) friends...right?

de connectie tussen de foto en de blog is als volgt. De foto laat handen zien die bij elkaar komen, elkaar net nog niet aanraken. dit is net als in het leven met een connectie, vriendschap. Wie laat je echt dichtbij komen, de echte jou laten zien, en wie laat je enkel de oppervlakkige jij zien.

What defines a real connection

What is a real connection? How many true friends can you have in your inner circle? Telling all the things that bother you, that are close to your heart. Things you struggle with, things you might be ashamed of.

It's about the depth of your connections, not the amount of connections you have.

The connection that matter

The most important thing in life is the connection between one person and another. The feeling it can give. Words are too few to describe; to a certain extent you can put a feeling into words.The feeling of being in the moment, living, feeling love for the people who are deeply you.

Moments when you are at your most vulnerable, when you share what your concerns are, what your problems are. When you let someone get close, your mask even drops. A mask that each person carries in his or her own way.

Quality over quantity

So what does it say about how many friends you have? Are you more popular if you have a large group of friends? Or is it enough if you have two good friends around you? Who knows you, really knows you. Not just that superficial you. So what makes us so able to judge, to attach a label to having x number of friends?

Doesn't it say more about yourself when you make that judgment? Than about the person you are making the judgment? Surely you always reason from your perspective, from your truth. From the piece you have experienced in life, from the beliefs that have been instilled in you. By upbringing, friends, by society, etc. Are those beliefs the truth, or are they your truth because of the path you have walked so far?

Moments that last forever in memories

And be honest. It is inevitable; someday the time you have with your loved ones will come to an end. Time yet unknown, but certain is that moment will come, now or later. You or them. All you can do is to really be there for them, to make time, to take the time to make memories, to listen, to share, to connect. To be in the present now, not with your head in the future, with your mind somewhere else.

Moments that fade so quickly, but remain as memories. Memories that you carry with you throughout your life, every day. That brings a smile, or a tear, to your face. Memories that give our lives value.

The unavoidable truth: time is fleeting

When tomorrow is not guaranteed, though we live as if we will never cease to exist. As if death will not come for us. That's the human brain (I think), although inevitable, we cannot reach it with our minds, we cannot realize that we are not immortal. Another goes, but we don't. That's how we think, isn't it?

Now you live, with your head so often in the future or in the past. In everything that has to happen. In your planning for next week, your dreams you want to go after someday. All the busyness, chaos and stimuli that hold our thoughts captive, not letting us be in the present. Past, time that will never come back. The future, uncertain or what you will experience. The only moment you exist ... is in the present. Not the past or the future.

The present: the only moment that truly exists

Living in the now, enjoying the moment, the people around you. There is no guarantee for anyone. The connections that bring value to our lives, give light to our lives. Someday they will fall away, or you. Realize that we do not live indefinitely. What precisely the time we get gives value; you don't have forever with your friends, family, loved ones around you. Be in the moment when you can.

Don't just exist.

Live now.

Be in the now.

Connect in the present.


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